5À propos de Clara Thompson
Hello, and Welcome to our Pack! We are the Thompson's and this is our new adventure. After a long Marine Corps career, four kids, and a grandbaby on the way, we decided to take a chance doing something we love while trying something new (mostly to keep busy). As a family, we have lived in 2 continents, one country, and seven states in the US, and we love to travel. In 2019, we settled in Tennessee; since then, we have called Middle TN our home and love it here! We know all about taking long and short vacations and a few staycations here and there and having those be our most memorable experiences. With that in mind, we hope you all have a great time, stay safe, and enjoy our little Den with your Pack.
5Souvenirs de séjours avec les camping-car de Clara Thompson
Anastasia F.
5mai 2024
2 Photos soumise(s) par Anastasia F.
Nancye E.
5avril 2024
4 Photos soumise(s) par Nancye E.